Thursday, September 11, 2008

Thank goodness those few weeks are over!

The last few weeks have been rough (understatement of the year). I have been sick. Liam and Maeve have been cranky. Everything went to hell in a handbag basically. My mysterious illness pummels me with flu-like symptoms for a few days every week or so. Enough already ... three kids, two of them being in their sixth month of life and the other back to school is enough to handle for a healthy person. The good news is that I feel great today so hopefully things are on the upswing. We also discovered not one but two new teeth for Maeve this morning so that could explain her lack of cooperation lately. Liam, who knows?! He is probably just wanting to be on the go. He is almost crawling and sits very well and that is all before he turns six months. Life is about to get really interesting!! So here are a few pictures since they have been severely lacking lately.

The first ones are from Labor Day at Skip's Aunt Peggy's house with a private pool, no less! No shots of Liam since when we just dipped his feet in he cried. Okay, so it was cold but toughen up buddy ... your sisters are making you look like a wuss! The shot of the deer is from right beside the pool. Ciara was in heaven.

Liam getting ready to go, go, go ....