Thursday, January 15, 2009

A New Year!

It has been a long time since I updated the blog .... too busy during the day and too tired at night to post. This past week, the kids have been unbelievably brilliant so here's to a New Year and hopefully the first of many new posts.

Ciara continues to be terrific with M & L and is in love with both of them. The excitement on her part, as well as theirs, when we pick her up after school is so cute. She has them both in fits of giggles the whole way home and it continues throughout the afternoon. At school, she is learning to read, starting with the colours and wants to go to school 7 days a week, not 5. She will be in Kindergarten next year .... where does the time go?

Liam and Maeve will be turning 10 months old this coming Saturday. I cannot believe we have all survived.

Some points of note ...

Firstly, Liam

  • He hit 20 lbs by his 9 month appointment

  • He is the proud owner of 5 teeth

  • He is standing alone for a few seconds but still favours crawling and cruising

  • His favourite things to eat are apple pancakes, black beans and broccolli/cheese nuggets

  • He loves to sit and read

  • He is a cling-on to his mummy

  • He says bababababa and mamamamama

and Maeve

  • She was finally outpaced by Liam and was 1 oz shy of 20 lbs at her 9 month appointment

  • She is also the proud owner of 5 teeth

  • She learned to crawl just before Christmas and is so excited by it

  • She can pull up to standing and in the last couple of days has learned to get back down again (phew!)

  • Clapping is her latest achievement and again, she is beyond excited about it

  • She says babababababa and mamamamama but her favourite word is "brah" or something like thatHer favourite things to eat are anything I give her. Honestly, she eats anything and everything. What a blessing! Long may it continue!

I will finish up since I do not want to over-exert myself!

Some recent pictures ...