Saturday, August 23, 2008

Busy Saturday!

SOCCER: Wow, I can't believe I made it out to soccer today! WooHoo! I have not played since June '07 and boy did it show! My Over-30's team - THE KILLER TOMATOES - took me back, after my fourteen month layoff, and put up with my lack of pace for a good portion of the game! We won 6-0, so no pressure on me to run too much. I pumped before I left, had fun trying to fit into my sports bra and then Skip gave them bottles, which they sucked down enthusiastically! Four hours away from the homestead - must be a record!! Thanks #1 Dad!

BIRTHDAY PARTY: Ciara went to her friend (and neighbours) Jolie's birthday party today. They had a travelling petting zoo for the big occasion. Ducks, Rabbits, Hens, a little goat, an alpaca, a pony and other little miniature things were running about. Ciara took a little while to warm up to the furry friends but as the photos show, her initial wariness wore off.

SITTING: Yes, Liam and Maeve are adding to their repertoires! They are both sitting for short periods - you do have to stay close as they still flop down after 10 or so seconds. I am not sure if they realise they are doing it yet but we are excited, even if they're not! Our babies are growing! (As the photos show, our competitive little boy does a little better than our laid back little lady!)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Has anyone seen hot and sticky August?

The weather has been so fantastic this month. Usually Washington weather in August is hot, sticky and almost unbearable! This year it has been incredible. Mild is the word of the month and it has been brilliant for me, home with all three! Our wonderful neighbour saw the kids taking turns in the only infant swing we have and kindly gave us an old one of theirs so now Liam and Maeve do not have to take turns! Which reminds me of something that Ciara came up with recently. We were asking her if three kids was enough in our family and she thought and thought. Then she said "We can't have any more kids because we only have three swings." I can think of no other reason better than that. Skip agrees!

It's official!

Liam has his second tooth!

Oneside come to town!

As most of you know, Skip manages a great band from Boston called Oneside. They were playing a gig this past Friday night here in Bethesda, so after it they all crashed at our house. Thankfully they were wonderful house guests and did not seem to mind Liam hanging out with them the next morning at a rather early hour. They even had Liam and Ciara jam with them for a little while Saturday, before they set off for their next gig at Rehobeth Beach, DE. Maeve slept through it all! Here are some shots of our little back deck jam session!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

One of those weeks!

I know the week is not over (don't remind me!) but today just summed it up completely ...

First, after I was done feeding Liam this afternoon, Ciara patted my stomach and said, and I quote, "Mummy, how come that isn't flat?". I did not know whether to laugh or cry, so I chose the former.

Next, we were out for our normal evening walk and I noticed my shirt, that I had on all day, was on backwards and it was a v-neck no less. Not that anyone had noticed since we had not seen anyone all day but still.

To top it all off - I have had no energy all week to cook or do anything for that matter, but today I finally managed to marinate the pork that I had taken out of the freezer for dinner on Monday. I popped it on the grill before their bath and supervised it between feeds. After we put them both down for the night, I ran downstairs, plated the potatos, beans etc and went to grab the pork off the grill and sure enough the gas must have run out at some point. It was just sitting there, half cooked, looking quite unhappy.

AARRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHH ... I QUIT! Fine, I'll stay but only because every so often I do get a nice quiet, peaceful and calm moment ....

Monday, August 11, 2008

It's official!

Liam has his first tooth!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Possible sighting!

I think we have a first tooth coming through. Liam's bottom right tooth is about ready to or has already broken through. It is hard to tell for definite but I think I am right. Ciara got her first tooth at 4 & 1/2 months also!

Let's hope he is kind to his food source aka me!

Monday, August 4, 2008

It's August already?!

Wow, I cannot believe it is August. Time is moving slowly but yet flying by at the same time. How does that work?

Feeding is progressing nicely, well sort of. Maeve has now taken over the helm as #1 eater. Liam is still as mistrusting as ever and will only slightly open his lips to take some. He likes eating mind you but he is not going to let anything he does not like slip in! I put it on his lips and then he sucks it in, if he deems it reasonable fare! MEN! When I met Skip, he was the fussiest eater but I quickly changed that. There is only one thing he will not eat now and that is pickles. Fair enough.

Now for a few pictures ...