Monday, May 21, 2007

The DC Arboretum with Granny & Uncle Sean

This has got to be one of the best places in DC to spend the day! It is never crowded and it is so relaxing to just wander or sit and picnic. Ciara LOVES the columns, which are the old DC Capitol columns, she would stay there for hours if let. She also loves to feed the fish (Koi) - no matter what we do, we have to do those two things.

Visitors - put it on your list of places to go!

The Grove of State Trees.

The Azealea Gardens and the Frog Pond.

Ciara's new "Croc Bling"

Feeding the Koi.

The Columns and a game of hide and seek.

I think it is time to go home and rest after the day.

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