Monday, July 28, 2008

Eating, rolling, napping, oh my!

This week is the second week of solids and it is slow going. I just don't think Maeve is all that interested and Liam would be if I gave him banana all the time! My good friend Abbey, whose boys are brilliant eaters, has reminded me no fruits, just vegetables for the moment so I am sticking by her rules this week. Liam has been spitting back carrots and squash and clamping his mouth shut at this new veggie crackdown! Maeve just sits there and smiles and lets the food sit in her mouth for a while and then some gets swallowed but most dribbles back out. Ciara thinks all this is hilarious. Ah, sure all in good time ...

This evening, just before bath time, Liam was on his playmat and sure enough he rolled from his back to his stomach for the first time. Exciting times ahead.

The new schedule is going well. Naps at 9am, 1pm and somewhere between 4 and 4.30pm. They go down without a peep and Maeve naps well at all three times. Liam is doing better but is still having trouble sleeping much for the middle nap. It is so nice to be in control though finally!

I will end the post with my favourite picture of little Maeve to date. I just love it!

1 comment:

ZhaoKids said...

haha......thanks for mentioning my name...hahaha and where is MY PICS?!! would you please send them to me?! I would like to post them on my blog if you grant me the permission!!! =) Thanks