Saturday, August 23, 2008

Busy Saturday!

SOCCER: Wow, I can't believe I made it out to soccer today! WooHoo! I have not played since June '07 and boy did it show! My Over-30's team - THE KILLER TOMATOES - took me back, after my fourteen month layoff, and put up with my lack of pace for a good portion of the game! We won 6-0, so no pressure on me to run too much. I pumped before I left, had fun trying to fit into my sports bra and then Skip gave them bottles, which they sucked down enthusiastically! Four hours away from the homestead - must be a record!! Thanks #1 Dad!

BIRTHDAY PARTY: Ciara went to her friend (and neighbours) Jolie's birthday party today. They had a travelling petting zoo for the big occasion. Ducks, Rabbits, Hens, a little goat, an alpaca, a pony and other little miniature things were running about. Ciara took a little while to warm up to the furry friends but as the photos show, her initial wariness wore off.

SITTING: Yes, Liam and Maeve are adding to their repertoires! They are both sitting for short periods - you do have to stay close as they still flop down after 10 or so seconds. I am not sure if they realise they are doing it yet but we are excited, even if they're not! Our babies are growing! (As the photos show, our competitive little boy does a little better than our laid back little lady!)

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