Thursday, August 14, 2008

One of those weeks!

I know the week is not over (don't remind me!) but today just summed it up completely ...

First, after I was done feeding Liam this afternoon, Ciara patted my stomach and said, and I quote, "Mummy, how come that isn't flat?". I did not know whether to laugh or cry, so I chose the former.

Next, we were out for our normal evening walk and I noticed my shirt, that I had on all day, was on backwards and it was a v-neck no less. Not that anyone had noticed since we had not seen anyone all day but still.

To top it all off - I have had no energy all week to cook or do anything for that matter, but today I finally managed to marinate the pork that I had taken out of the freezer for dinner on Monday. I popped it on the grill before their bath and supervised it between feeds. After we put them both down for the night, I ran downstairs, plated the potatos, beans etc and went to grab the pork off the grill and sure enough the gas must have run out at some point. It was just sitting there, half cooked, looking quite unhappy.

AARRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHH ... I QUIT! Fine, I'll stay but only because every so often I do get a nice quiet, peaceful and calm moment ....

1 comment:

Suburb Sierra said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog -and those kids of yours are adorable!!

I have a girlfriend who was right there with you on the older sibling, twin situation and she says it gets so much easier in time, so hang in'll have time for that fully-grilled pork soon enough :)