Sunday, October 4, 2009

"Plane-spotting" at Gravelly Point...

October 4, 2009...

What to do on a picture-perfect Sunday morning in D.C.? Why, how about going to watch "those magnificent men in their flying machines"...and live vicariously through the wide-eyed wonder of two 18 month olds and a 5 year old?

To give full credit where credit is due, it was Emer's idea. And what a good idea it was. So often the simplest things are the most fun. Thus we found ourselves taking the short 20 minute drive down to Gravelly Point, right on the Potomac River and just north of National Airport. Here's me walking to our vantage point with Liam and Maeve:

And this is us in position, waiting for the first fly-by:
And.......WHOA (it felt a lot closer than it looks in the photo):

Liam, Ciara, and Maeve posing in front of "the giant pencil"...

This is Maeve taking cover after a particularly close fly-by...

Liam: "Maeve, where'd I put my wallet!?"...

Ciara: "I wish Nana and Grandad were on that plane, coming to visit us..."

Ciara in a tree...

1 comment:

Da said...

That place is great! Last year we went and the boys thought it was too loud but we might have to revisit that place since they are older now.