Saturday, August 28, 2010

Seneca Creek State Park - 8/28/2010

Dateline: August 28, 2010
Seneca Creek State Park, Gaithersburg, MD

Deliquent blogger alert!!! I cannot believe we haven't updated this since last OCTOBER. (I blame it on "Facebook dependency"). Anyway, in the spirit of "better late than never", here goes...

While we used to visit Seneca Creek State Park frequently during our 'Germantown years' (2001-2005), it had been quite a while since we'd gotten back there. It's true that nothing 'exceptional' really happened, but today's outing just turned into one of those nice interludes that felt 'blog-worthy'. The weather was perfect, the kids were well-behaved, the place wasn't too crowded, and we got a few nice photos...including these shots of Ciara, Liam, and Maeve in the "recycled tire playground" (where old tires go to die?). Here are the three of them hamming it up for the camera:

And here are the three of them taking turns on the zip-line (manual labor provided by your's truly, at least in 2 of 3 cases):

And then we walked down to the lake...
("Please do NOT go in the water!!")

...Where we were reminded that nothing is more fascinating to kids than dragonflies...

...Except maybe a dead fish!:

Until next time, remember - don't play with the dead fish!

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