Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Four month checkup

Liam and Maeve had their four month checkup today with their lovely pediatrician, Dr. Carla. She is also a twin Mum, so very "in the know" with what we are experiencing. Maeve was a bit of a cranky pants since she hardly slept at all before arriving but Liam behaved impeccably. Maybe it was that "freak" two hour nap he took this morning. I knew he had it in him! Both babies are doing great, with Maeve weighing in at 14lbs 6.5ozs and Liam right behind her at 14lbs 3ozs! Maeve had him by half an inch in length but he took her in the head circumference category! We have the go ahead to start solids so I am hoping that their introduction will help with the feeding clusters that happen every afternoon these days. Naive? I hope not! The Dr. told us that they have quite a few parents of young twins at the moment and so far I am the only Mum not to have a meltdown in her office. If only she knew how many I have at home! But heck, I take it as a great compliment. They each ended the appointment with three shots and quite a few tears but they were silent as we left, perhaps a shocked silence!? We also left with lots of free cans of formula. Liam ... you're next to try it!

In other news ... we had our first set of twins visit us today, Thomas and Elizabeth, who just turned one! It was a nice glimpse into our future. They were so cute together. It is exciting to think about next spring with Liam, Maeve and of course Ciara. Twice this week, we have had two twin mothers of boy/girl twins tell us that it is so much fun as they grow since it is like living with an "old married couple", in a good way of course! I had not heard it described like that before.

Well I'll sign off and hopefully I will get a nice photo as they turn four months officially (17th) and I will post it. And of course some obligatory first feeding shots. Stay tuned.

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