Saturday, July 12, 2008

A visit from Auntie Hee Hee

I am a little late blogging since the visit ended last week, but I should write something anyway and post a picture to remind us of a great two weeks with Auntie Hee Hee, aka my little sister Sinead. Ciara and myself have been "in mourning" since she left last Sunday ... we miss her terribly! Please come back soon!

At some point during her visit, she helped Ciara with nicknames for all of us and this is what they came up with ...

Skip - Violet Pink
Me - Red
Sinead - Hairspray
Ciara - Little One
Liam - Meatball
Maeve - Feng Shui

Liam's name seems to have stuck somehow and I don't know how I feel about that yet. I personally like Skip's, I will use it often when one of his DIY projects falls short - "Good Work, Violet Pink!" in my extremely perfected sarcastic tone should make him feel just great! Yes. I like it.

Other advancements in the last few weeks - Maeve took to formula with ease, which has taken a load of weight off my mind. I was afraid she would reject it. We have not tried Liam yet since we fear the meatball! Maybe next week. I separated them for nap time since I could not take Liam waking Maeve up anymore. She now naps in our bedroom. It is going well. Liam still just takes short naps but Maeve now is able to take her long naps without meatball disturbing her!

I will post again after their four month appointment, which is this coming week. I am hoping to get the go ahead from the Doctor to start them on solids. I think Maeve, in particular, is hungry for something more than milk. Ciara is beside herself with excitement at the thought of them eating food and making a big mess. Yeah, me too!

Until next time, a picture of the gang with Auntie Hee Hee ...

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