Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A new schedule

I should leave out the new since we never had an old schedule. Each day has been different to the last one and myself and Ciara are tired of not knowing what will happen when. I think the babies will do better on one too, hopefully less fussy if they know what to expect. That is the theory anyway. I have decided to start the day earlier than normal (Liam 7am/Maeve 7.30am) and in return gain back some decent naps. That is the plan after much reading and talking with other twin Mums. So here goes .... day one good so far!

A couple of cute pictures to post of course. My camera never leaves my side these days since I missed so many great moments early on with a certain colicky someone (not mentioning any names here). The first is Liam in his jumperoo. They really are not ready for it yet but I gave him a couple of minutes in it yesterday. I figure a few minutes can't hurt the boy! The next one is Miss Maeve who was really getting a kick out of her brother on the playmat. These are the moments I have been waiting for - both of them finally laughing at each other antics.

Onwards and most definitely upwards I feel!

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