Thursday, July 17, 2008

It's official - We made it to four months!

It is July 17th and fast approaching 9pm so just a few hours away from their four month birthday! What a T O U G H four months. Hopefully the worst is behind us!

Here is a picture of them returning from their evening walk in our new "Rolls Royce" of buggies. I told Skip I need the best double buggy on the market if I am to make it through these early days with us all intact. That was reason enough for him. He loves it too now and takes them for a walk every evening before their bath and last feed. What a guy!!


ZhaoKids said...

oh my goodness......they are sooooooooooooo big and cute!!!! You surely do a great job MOM!! I can't wait to see them again. I hope I feel better next week and so we can stop by! Let's HOPE!

PS: what brand is the stroller, Da wants to know..hahaha

Suburb Sierra said...

So adorable! Glad to hear the family is well. Doesn't look like we'll make it south this year - we're opting for the "staycation" with the price of gas and all. Have to go to London on business end of July and that is costing the company $9,000 round trip - isn't that a crime?

Best to everyone!!