Thursday, September 11, 2008

Thank goodness those few weeks are over!

The last few weeks have been rough (understatement of the year). I have been sick. Liam and Maeve have been cranky. Everything went to hell in a handbag basically. My mysterious illness pummels me with flu-like symptoms for a few days every week or so. Enough already ... three kids, two of them being in their sixth month of life and the other back to school is enough to handle for a healthy person. The good news is that I feel great today so hopefully things are on the upswing. We also discovered not one but two new teeth for Maeve this morning so that could explain her lack of cooperation lately. Liam, who knows?! He is probably just wanting to be on the go. He is almost crawling and sits very well and that is all before he turns six months. Life is about to get really interesting!! So here are a few pictures since they have been severely lacking lately.

The first ones are from Labor Day at Skip's Aunt Peggy's house with a private pool, no less! No shots of Liam since when we just dipped his feet in he cried. Okay, so it was cold but toughen up buddy ... your sisters are making you look like a wuss! The shot of the deer is from right beside the pool. Ciara was in heaven.

Liam getting ready to go, go, go ....

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Busy Saturday!

SOCCER: Wow, I can't believe I made it out to soccer today! WooHoo! I have not played since June '07 and boy did it show! My Over-30's team - THE KILLER TOMATOES - took me back, after my fourteen month layoff, and put up with my lack of pace for a good portion of the game! We won 6-0, so no pressure on me to run too much. I pumped before I left, had fun trying to fit into my sports bra and then Skip gave them bottles, which they sucked down enthusiastically! Four hours away from the homestead - must be a record!! Thanks #1 Dad!

BIRTHDAY PARTY: Ciara went to her friend (and neighbours) Jolie's birthday party today. They had a travelling petting zoo for the big occasion. Ducks, Rabbits, Hens, a little goat, an alpaca, a pony and other little miniature things were running about. Ciara took a little while to warm up to the furry friends but as the photos show, her initial wariness wore off.

SITTING: Yes, Liam and Maeve are adding to their repertoires! They are both sitting for short periods - you do have to stay close as they still flop down after 10 or so seconds. I am not sure if they realise they are doing it yet but we are excited, even if they're not! Our babies are growing! (As the photos show, our competitive little boy does a little better than our laid back little lady!)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Has anyone seen hot and sticky August?

The weather has been so fantastic this month. Usually Washington weather in August is hot, sticky and almost unbearable! This year it has been incredible. Mild is the word of the month and it has been brilliant for me, home with all three! Our wonderful neighbour saw the kids taking turns in the only infant swing we have and kindly gave us an old one of theirs so now Liam and Maeve do not have to take turns! Which reminds me of something that Ciara came up with recently. We were asking her if three kids was enough in our family and she thought and thought. Then she said "We can't have any more kids because we only have three swings." I can think of no other reason better than that. Skip agrees!

It's official!

Liam has his second tooth!

Oneside come to town!

As most of you know, Skip manages a great band from Boston called Oneside. They were playing a gig this past Friday night here in Bethesda, so after it they all crashed at our house. Thankfully they were wonderful house guests and did not seem to mind Liam hanging out with them the next morning at a rather early hour. They even had Liam and Ciara jam with them for a little while Saturday, before they set off for their next gig at Rehobeth Beach, DE. Maeve slept through it all! Here are some shots of our little back deck jam session!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

One of those weeks!

I know the week is not over (don't remind me!) but today just summed it up completely ...

First, after I was done feeding Liam this afternoon, Ciara patted my stomach and said, and I quote, "Mummy, how come that isn't flat?". I did not know whether to laugh or cry, so I chose the former.

Next, we were out for our normal evening walk and I noticed my shirt, that I had on all day, was on backwards and it was a v-neck no less. Not that anyone had noticed since we had not seen anyone all day but still.

To top it all off - I have had no energy all week to cook or do anything for that matter, but today I finally managed to marinate the pork that I had taken out of the freezer for dinner on Monday. I popped it on the grill before their bath and supervised it between feeds. After we put them both down for the night, I ran downstairs, plated the potatos, beans etc and went to grab the pork off the grill and sure enough the gas must have run out at some point. It was just sitting there, half cooked, looking quite unhappy.

AARRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHH ... I QUIT! Fine, I'll stay but only because every so often I do get a nice quiet, peaceful and calm moment ....

Monday, August 11, 2008

It's official!

Liam has his first tooth!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Possible sighting!

I think we have a first tooth coming through. Liam's bottom right tooth is about ready to or has already broken through. It is hard to tell for definite but I think I am right. Ciara got her first tooth at 4 & 1/2 months also!

Let's hope he is kind to his food source aka me!

Monday, August 4, 2008

It's August already?!

Wow, I cannot believe it is August. Time is moving slowly but yet flying by at the same time. How does that work?

Feeding is progressing nicely, well sort of. Maeve has now taken over the helm as #1 eater. Liam is still as mistrusting as ever and will only slightly open his lips to take some. He likes eating mind you but he is not going to let anything he does not like slip in! I put it on his lips and then he sucks it in, if he deems it reasonable fare! MEN! When I met Skip, he was the fussiest eater but I quickly changed that. There is only one thing he will not eat now and that is pickles. Fair enough.

Now for a few pictures ...

Monday, July 28, 2008

Eating, rolling, napping, oh my!

This week is the second week of solids and it is slow going. I just don't think Maeve is all that interested and Liam would be if I gave him banana all the time! My good friend Abbey, whose boys are brilliant eaters, has reminded me no fruits, just vegetables for the moment so I am sticking by her rules this week. Liam has been spitting back carrots and squash and clamping his mouth shut at this new veggie crackdown! Maeve just sits there and smiles and lets the food sit in her mouth for a while and then some gets swallowed but most dribbles back out. Ciara thinks all this is hilarious. Ah, sure all in good time ...

This evening, just before bath time, Liam was on his playmat and sure enough he rolled from his back to his stomach for the first time. Exciting times ahead.

The new schedule is going well. Naps at 9am, 1pm and somewhere between 4 and 4.30pm. They go down without a peep and Maeve naps well at all three times. Liam is doing better but is still having trouble sleeping much for the middle nap. It is so nice to be in control though finally!

I will end the post with my favourite picture of little Maeve to date. I just love it!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A new schedule

I should leave out the new since we never had an old schedule. Each day has been different to the last one and myself and Ciara are tired of not knowing what will happen when. I think the babies will do better on one too, hopefully less fussy if they know what to expect. That is the theory anyway. I have decided to start the day earlier than normal (Liam 7am/Maeve 7.30am) and in return gain back some decent naps. That is the plan after much reading and talking with other twin Mums. So here goes .... day one good so far!

A couple of cute pictures to post of course. My camera never leaves my side these days since I missed so many great moments early on with a certain colicky someone (not mentioning any names here). The first is Liam in his jumperoo. They really are not ready for it yet but I gave him a couple of minutes in it yesterday. I figure a few minutes can't hurt the boy! The next one is Miss Maeve who was really getting a kick out of her brother on the playmat. These are the moments I have been waiting for - both of them finally laughing at each other antics.

Onwards and most definitely upwards I feel!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Ciara's countdown chain!

Dear Nana and Granda,
I am so excited about you coming over. I made a countdown chain with Granny so I could take off a ring every night so it will get closer and closer until you come. I can't wait to see you.
Love Ciara.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

It's official - We made it to four months!

It is July 17th and fast approaching 9pm so just a few hours away from their four month birthday! What a T O U G H four months. Hopefully the worst is behind us!

Here is a picture of them returning from their evening walk in our new "Rolls Royce" of buggies. I told Skip I need the best double buggy on the market if I am to make it through these early days with us all intact. That was reason enough for him. He loves it too now and takes them for a walk every evening before their bath and last feed. What a guy!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Four month checkup

Liam and Maeve had their four month checkup today with their lovely pediatrician, Dr. Carla. She is also a twin Mum, so very "in the know" with what we are experiencing. Maeve was a bit of a cranky pants since she hardly slept at all before arriving but Liam behaved impeccably. Maybe it was that "freak" two hour nap he took this morning. I knew he had it in him! Both babies are doing great, with Maeve weighing in at 14lbs 6.5ozs and Liam right behind her at 14lbs 3ozs! Maeve had him by half an inch in length but he took her in the head circumference category! We have the go ahead to start solids so I am hoping that their introduction will help with the feeding clusters that happen every afternoon these days. Naive? I hope not! The Dr. told us that they have quite a few parents of young twins at the moment and so far I am the only Mum not to have a meltdown in her office. If only she knew how many I have at home! But heck, I take it as a great compliment. They each ended the appointment with three shots and quite a few tears but they were silent as we left, perhaps a shocked silence!? We also left with lots of free cans of formula. Liam ... you're next to try it!

In other news ... we had our first set of twins visit us today, Thomas and Elizabeth, who just turned one! It was a nice glimpse into our future. They were so cute together. It is exciting to think about next spring with Liam, Maeve and of course Ciara. Twice this week, we have had two twin mothers of boy/girl twins tell us that it is so much fun as they grow since it is like living with an "old married couple", in a good way of course! I had not heard it described like that before.

Well I'll sign off and hopefully I will get a nice photo as they turn four months officially (17th) and I will post it. And of course some obligatory first feeding shots. Stay tuned.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

A visit from Auntie Hee Hee

I am a little late blogging since the visit ended last week, but I should write something anyway and post a picture to remind us of a great two weeks with Auntie Hee Hee, aka my little sister Sinead. Ciara and myself have been "in mourning" since she left last Sunday ... we miss her terribly! Please come back soon!

At some point during her visit, she helped Ciara with nicknames for all of us and this is what they came up with ...

Skip - Violet Pink
Me - Red
Sinead - Hairspray
Ciara - Little One
Liam - Meatball
Maeve - Feng Shui

Liam's name seems to have stuck somehow and I don't know how I feel about that yet. I personally like Skip's, I will use it often when one of his DIY projects falls short - "Good Work, Violet Pink!" in my extremely perfected sarcastic tone should make him feel just great! Yes. I like it.

Other advancements in the last few weeks - Maeve took to formula with ease, which has taken a load of weight off my mind. I was afraid she would reject it. We have not tried Liam yet since we fear the meatball! Maybe next week. I separated them for nap time since I could not take Liam waking Maeve up anymore. She now naps in our bedroom. It is going well. Liam still just takes short naps but Maeve now is able to take her long naps without meatball disturbing her!

I will post again after their four month appointment, which is this coming week. I am hoping to get the go ahead from the Doctor to start them on solids. I think Maeve, in particular, is hungry for something more than milk. Ciara is beside herself with excitement at the thought of them eating food and making a big mess. Yeah, me too!

Until next time, a picture of the gang with Auntie Hee Hee ...

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

And it's only Wednesday ...

Oh my ... and they say it gets better at three months. Well, they were three months 36 hours ago and [SHOUT] I'm waiting ...

This week I am run ragged. When they are both "going" at the same time (aka the twin chorus) - it is enough to send you running for the hills. I don't know what is going on this week but they are on completely separate schedules and when they are both demanding attention at the same time (ie screaming frantically), it is all I can do to keep my head. I read in my twin survival guide "to surrender to the chaos" ... I repeat that to myself over and over when these moments arrive. Yesterday, Liam was frantic, for no particular reason and then Maeve had a complete "blowout" - she got her dress, the boppy pillow, the nursing pillow, the changing pad and Ciara was still waiting for her lunch, promised to her hours ago and I, unshowered as usual was hanging on by a thread. It is these moments that are the real test. The minutes seem like hours. May I add that our night nurse (ex night nurse ... sniff, sniff), Esther, who has worked with lots of babies over the years said that Liam was the loudest child she had ever come across. Like I need to have a child with that award! If I had a BP monitor attached to me, it would be off the scale I reckon. On a more positive note, the days are interjected by smiles and chuckles, which are occurring more and more. They are also noticing each other a lot more, which is adorably cute. Ciara continues to be great with them and patient for the most part. We are learning the true meaning of BE FLEXIBLE since we have absolutely zero schedule - Maeve likes to sleep late, eat infrequently and slowly but then nurse in the evening for hours. Liam likes to get up early, play hard, nap short and eat frantically and often. How can they both be so different?? How can a schedule ever suit them both, myself and Ciara. Something will have to give and I have no doubt it will be my shower, my sleep and my meals!!




Friday, June 13, 2008

Goodbye Esther - we will miss you!

Last night was the final night that we had our night nurse, Esther. We will miss her so much, not just for the sleep she provided us with but her good humour and funny stories, which she shared every night. Having her was supposed to be an opportunity to get to bed early, but we kept finding ourselves staying up late to chit chat. She will be back to visit ourselves, Liam and Maeve in July so we have that to look forward to. Goodbye Esther and thanks!!

Esther and Liam, while Maeve
patiently waits for her turn!

Thursday, June 5, 2008


Today I discovered peanut butter smattered across a shirt looks exactly like Liam and Maeve's breastfed nappy contents. It was alarming. If there is one person that I can save from this moment of panic, then my openess and honesty in this post was worth it!


Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Emerging from chaos!

Well, today is June 4th and Liam and Maeve are 11 weeks and 2 days. The blog ceased to exist after the last post since life became completely chaotic. Liam decided to develop colic, reflux or some such thing, (which should be against the law if they are a twin) and was pretty much up 24/7 and screamed for the most part. This went on until about week 7, then slowly got a little easier thanks to a helpful pediatrician (a twin Mum herself) who put him on reflux medicine. Thank God for modern medicine, it saved our sanity and Liam's poor voice box. Thankfully, during the rough time my Mum stayed with us and she kept us from calling 1800-PLEASE-ADOPT-OUR-LIAM. I managed to nurse both babies through this and honestly, I will never know how I survived. I continue to nurse them through the day and they take bottles at night. After week 6 (once my Mum left), Alice (Skip's Mum) thought we could do with some help and very nicely sent us a true Florence Nightingale - Esther the night nurse - from Ghana. She was and continues to be a Godsend and comes 5 nights a week from 11pm-7am. Under her guidance and "gentle" nudging, as of this week, both babies are sleeping through the night - about 11.30pm through to 7.30pm. The tears of joy shed over this could rival the Nile. We will miss her next week, not just because she gives us our sleep but she is truly a baby whisperer and has the most laid back and positive spirit - a requirement for feisty Liam. I should mention Maeve at this point - she is almost as laid back as Esther - we are still waiting for her to cause trouble, so far she has been a gem. [NOTE: Liam, if this blog is still around when you can read, we did continue to love you through this phase!]

Well, I will leave you with the most recent photo of our three and hopefully they will continue to somewhat behave so we can have a few moments here and there to update this site.

Some May photos

May 5 - Esther arrives! Same room, same time and sleeping ... it's a miracle!

I found Ciara fast asleep like this when I went to check on her. She was snoring too and nothing would wake her!

Some March/April photos


Liam (aka Jack-Jack)

"Hey, I know you!"

After a long, hard battle...